Tag: nokia_dev

Image view undesirably cropped

The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is Image view undesirably cropped started by m.findlay93 m.findlay93 is trying to implement an Image View within a page for a Windows Phone application, but when it is deployed, the image gets cropped. He states his problem and provides a screen grab of the issue faced. Ratish Philip Read More …

Virtualizing + FlipView recycling issue

The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is Virtualizing +FlipView recycling problem started by Lee McPherson Lee is trying to get a preview of a list of images from a zip or rar archive that contains jpeg files from a Windows Phone application. He is facing a problem with the virtualization from the VirtualizingStackPanel inside the FlipView. The pictures Read More …

Handling animated gif files

The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is GifRenderer ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range started by Mr Wolf PST. Mr Wolf PST is trying to generate and share an animated GIF, using a list of PNG images stored in the local storage of a Windows Phone 8.0 app. He is getting Read More …