The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is Pricing on Nokia X started by Osus.
Osus has uploaded two Android apps for the NokiaX platform, but is unable to find an option where he can specify a price for the pay per download of his application. He is worried that only free apps are allowed on the store.
symbianyucca clarifies that there is no option for pay-by-download and he could try the Nokia-In-Application payment API instead. Apistilli72 suggests that he could explore the Try and Buy business model for monetization and explains the benefits of using this business model. He also adds that Nokia Try and Buy will be available soon. At the moment, Try and Buy is being piloted with a limited number of developers. Developers interested in participating in this pilot program can contact with details about their app and the reason why they would be interested in being part of piloting the solution.
This discussion was selected for featuring because it highlights the business models of monetization offered for applications on the Nokia X platform.
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