The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is BitmapImage Memory Footprint, started by Lee McPherson.
Lee is trying to reduce the memory that a 3000×4000 jpeg image would take when shown in full screen on Windows Phone, and was trying to determine if it is better to create a separate smaller thumbnail file and load it, or just load the original jpeg using DecodePixelWidth.
The discussion surfaced several ideas for handling large image files: João Cardoso recommended using the Nokia Imaging SDK, Vinay Patil suggested an example from MSDN on Limiting image size and Loukt highlighted the wiki article Memory-efficient Navigation in very High Resolution Images on Windows Phone.
Lee’s current implementation uses Scrollviewer and ViewportControl. After trying some of the suggestions, Lee accepted that the Nokia Imaging SDK might have been the best solution, and will consider it for the next iteration.
The discussion was selected for featuring because it highlights some of the possible problems and solutions for working with large image files.
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