The Featured Discussion Board Post this week is Link to Nokia X app started by Wall-E. This discussion was posted on Stack Overflow, which is the official support forum for Nokia X related queries.
Wall-E is porting their Android app to Nokia X and would like to link to the apps that they have in the store. They were not able to find guidance on how to do this. Wall-E is looking for an equivalent of amzn://apps/android,
which works for the Amazon store.
Tasomaniac confirms that such deep linking to the store is provided on the Nokia X platform, and provides him additional resources on the Nokia Developer Wiki. Tasomaniac also cautions that the solution might not work on the Emulator but it certainly would work on a real device.
Note that if one does not possess a device to test features that do not work on emulators, one could always test them on using Remote Device access: a service that allows developers to test their mobile applications and services remotely on various Nokia devices including Windows Phone, Nokia X, Asha, Series 40 and more.
Keep those interesting questions coming!
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